Day Three

I had to try the golden fried asparagus last night. It was a bit on the greasy side, but still went down well.

Will this picture is for you.😀

Seventy one miles today along with a big climb near the end. Total miles about 170. I got going at six AM in part to avoid the traffic going into Portland. In Portland, one gal yelled something out of her car window at me. It sounded friendly but it took a few mental playbacks to realize that she said, “have an amazing adventure.”

The number of people living out of vehicles in and around Portland is tragic. The city has so much potential, but has a tough problem on its hand. It was well east of the town before I could find a nice park to eat lunch in.

East of the city, still on highway 30, the countryside transformed itself into a natural wonderland. The views of the Columbia River Gorge are spectacular. I loved riding this part of highway 30.

Near the top of todays biggest climb I found a roadside stand selling fruit. That pear hit the spot. It reminded me a bit of the peach stand at D2R2.

About 2:30 I found a hiker/biker campsite was available at Ainsworth State Park, even though it was Saturday night and the rest of the campsites were taken. The site comes with a place to lock you bike, an air pump and an assortment of tools.

Physically, I’m feeling pretty good. In the past, I’ve had this issue with getting severe cramps in my legs during the night after big efforts. Fortunately, the first night, I only had a minor issue, and no cramps at all last night.

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