Day Eighteen – Father’s Day

It rained a bit starting at 3:00 AM, but by the time I packed up everything was dry and I had a nice start to the day. After a while things started changing with wind and rain slowly increasing. By the time I reached the little town of Bolt, I was cold and my feet were wet. I looked for the town park, as most small towns have a shelter for picnicking in their park. I found the park, and I also found a rodeo going on. There were a ton of horses making more horse vocalizations than I ever heard before.

Since I was cold, I added layers, including putting on those booties I was not sure I’d I need. After the weather radar showed that the rain was soon passing, I left the cowboys behind and resumed my journey. I reached the Sundown Motel after 57 miles, and had to decide whether to continue the 26 miles to the campground or see if I could get a room there.

When I encountered another cycle tourist who was going to stay there, I decided since it was Father’s Day and I could treat myself, and hopefully get somewhat dried off.

Though I have been rained on several times over the last week, this rain soaked me more than the other ones. With the other rains, I dried out after the storm by continuing to cycle, but this storm is taking more time to get dry.

Turns out there there were a group of six headed more or less the same route that I was traveling, though they started a couple of days before me. Seems like I had caught up to this group.

Today, despite the rotten weather, I made it 57 miles to the tiny town of Stamford, Montana. Total calculated mileage is now 994.

I FaceTimed with my sister who was at the hospital with my dad. He was pretty out of it, but at least I could try to say hi. Also my boys each called to wish me the best. It’s always great talking to them.

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