Family Time Day Two

Finished fixing Charlene’s door bell in the morning, though I have to find the correct paint for the wall where the chime was replaced and do a bit of touch up. There are about 5 cans of paint in her basement all labeled ultra-white, but the one I chose to use has some subtle pigment in it.

Redid the part of the tape job on the handlebars of my bike that I first did at my cousin Scott’s house im Bismarck, ND. Also, as a precautionary move, I decided to order a replacement used freewheel off of eBay as the bearings in the one on my bike have a crazy large amount of play. Hopefully this replacement gets here in time and is in decent shape.

Jerry and I got his stereo receiver working, though it’s unclear exactly what was wrong. I believe it most likely was a bad solder joint, so reflowed some solder joints on the suspect board. In any case, if it fails again in the same way, we will have a head start on where to look.

I went to visit dad and we had a fun game of checkers.

Went out dinner with Jerry and Wendy and some neighbors.

Took a look at a second receiver of Jerrys that seems to be working, except for some indicator lamps. Removing the lamp board seems a bit problematic, so decided to call it a day.

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