Day Thirteen

60 miles today, total is 739. Today I went all the way over Lolo pass to Missoula, MT. The climb to the top was hard, but nothing like that climb I did a couple of days ago.

At the top they have a very nice visitors center, with a museum and a shop. They had free hot coffee and cocoa and WI-FI. I even was able to plug in my battery in order to charge it up a little while I uploaded the last two delinquent posts. Keeping my phone and spare battery charged is a never ending challenge. The nice ladies manning the desk say that the place is mobbed on weekends in the winter with all the Nordic skiing and other winter activities going on.

Down at the town of Lolo, MT, I stopped at the Mcdonalds for an ice cream and to book a room in Missoula, which was just down the road.

Next over in Missoula, I tried stopping at the Adventure Cycling HQ for a free ice cream, but I got there just after they closed for the day. Adventure Cycling is the non-profit group that puts together the maps that I use.

Next I found the Motel Six, I was supposed to be booked with. After a long wait in the lobby, I registered and dragged my bike up the stairs, only to be surprised to find someone already in the room. Returning to the office, the man said, I thought that might happen! Then after digging around a bit he declared, I have no room for you! I tried a couple of nearby places, but they were also booked up. Going back to Expedia, I booked a much more expensive room at an Econolodge about 4 miles away. I got rained on a bit getting there, but I am at a vastly nicer place. Sometimes you get what you pay for. I’m doing my laundry, while writing this. I’m kind of surprised that the motel laundry is cheaper than the laundromat. I’ll be glad to be away from the city and camping again tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Day Thirteen

  1. Hey Mike – really enjoying this blog!!! I plan on following this as you make it all the way across the US. Please keep the posts coming! I think you and I met at the Cisco Fitness Center in BXB but not sure? This adventure blog has really got me thinking about doing something!

    All the best and take care!

  2. Ugh that stinks about the motel, glad you found a comfy place to rest your head! Enjoying the posts about your trip! Stay safe out there, you aren’t missing much at work haha its been pretty slow!

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