Day Seventeen

My dad who is 94, isn’t doing well. He had a fall the other day. They checked him out and sent him home, but this morning he couldn’t get up so they sent him back. The doctors are thinking hospice or a nursing home are the likely next stops for him. My brothers and sister are doing what they can for him. I feel like I should be contributing more to help, but I guess there is enough help at hand.

I was invited by two different campers for dinner last night, but was feeling anti-social and declined. I made chile from a can and it was very good.

Last night, it started raining about 3AM. Showers continued intermittently until 10 or 11. I really didn’t want to get out of the warm dry tent, but nature called and I got moving about 7:30 AM.

This mornings first stop was a convenience store just a couple of miles down the road for a hot coco. I talked with a man there that had a black lab that could find a Grizzly from miles away. The dog would help this guy find Grizzly Bears for photographers. He said they paid him $500 for an outing. He also mentioned that the campground I stayed at was loaded with grizzlies.

I was thinking chicken would make a great lunch so kept a lookout for a good chicken place as I passed through Great Falls. First stop was a bike shop where I picked two spare tubes. The man at the bike shop suggested I visit the Lewis and Clark interpretive Center, so I rode my bike over there. On the way I encountered this chicken place.

Five ounces of chicken per skewer, so I ordered two and a side of veggies.

I really liked the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center and think it is a very fitting end for my journey on the Lewis and Clark trail. I’m thinking of finding some additional books to read about their journey.

42 flat wind aided miles today to the KOA in Great Falls Montana. I haven’t stayed in a KOA in years and I think it hardly qualifies as camping. My spot has walls, a shelter and electricity. Almost better than a hotel, but I don’t think I’ll meet the neighbors like I always do in primitive campgrounds.

I picked up a bag of prepopped popcorn and ate it all in one shot. It was stale like premade popcorn always is. Maybe next time I’ll try the Jiffy Pop.

Total mileage is 937. I’m averaging 55 miles a day. It will be interesting to see if the mileage changes in the plains states, though some of the days mileage is dependent upon how spaced apart camping or inns are. Tomorrow promises to be interesting, 86 miles to the next campground, though there is a motel about half distance.

3 thoughts on “Day Seventeen

  1. I know you are concerned about your Dad but not much you can add. Alan will take care of Delores and your Dad has the best possible care. Charlene left for work at 5.30 this am and went to be wth him after work and its now almost 8. I am so so very lucky that I can take care of myself and not, hopefully be a burden. I,m enjoying your blog and so glad you can have thiese wonderful experiences. Charlene is just now coming in at7.45

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