Day Thirty Six

Last night was a tough one as I woke up with cramps in both legs. It’s really difficult to understand what causes them. I can’t identify anything different in diet or exercise that might bring them on. It was a long day on the bike, but I didn’t feel particularly tired at the end of the days ride. As far as diet goes, the only thing different that I can think of, is that yesterday I didn’t have any cheese. Go figure.

Also I had a rare for me, dream/nightmare last night. I dreamt I was a software engineer again, and management held a meeting at my house in order to question my competence regarding some project that I inherited and was supposed to fix. Apparently the project wasn’t going very well. Except for meeting at my house, this sort of scenario wasn’t that far from several real world cases that I had to endure during my career. It’s no wonder that I don’t miss that job, though I do miss being around many of the people.

The ride today was along the Mississippi River and there were some nice views of Lake Pepin, a naturally formed lake that is part of the Mississippi. It reminds me a bit of the Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts.

Nothing else special to report, the usual questions from curious passers by and I stopped to try to help a guy in one of those ubiquitous Sysco semis find route 88.

I’m camping at Riech’s Lake Park near Alma, WI.

65 miles covered today for a total of 2174. It looks like well over 200 miles to my brothers house in southeastern Wisconsin. I told him that I’d be there Sunday or Monday.

4 thoughts on “Day Thirty Six

  1. I was told low magnesium caused cramps. Try adding a banana. Also told to drink more water to help leg cramps can’t help the nightmare s.

  2. Love the colors in that second photo! Beautiful!
    Your muscles must be getting fatigued. Perhaps giving them a little rest would relieve the cramps.

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