Day Forty Nine

I had a minor bit of cramping last night. Didn’t even have to get up and walk around to loosen up. I’m pretty well convinced that the almonds I’ve been eating really help prevent or at least minimize cramping. The question I would like to answer is which nutrient is helping me. Here’s an example package showing nutrientional information.

It seems it could be iron, potassium or calcium, or a combination there of. If I knew exactly, I could target that nutrient in my diet. Maybe I should try some experiments with vitamin pills instead of almonds in order to narrow this down.

Today the weather was friendly again, the shoulder on the road was smooth and wide and the traffic moderate.

I crossed into New York this morning.

Pennsylvania was short, only two half days. New York will be a different story, and might take as long as a week. I plan on following the Erie Canal trail to Albany. I think a lot of the trail is on the towpath of the Erie Canal which should be cool. I think I’ll be running across more bike packers on that trail, too.

Lighthouses are a thing on the Great Lakes and this one is part of a park, so the door was open and visitors could peek inside.

I need to get laundry done and cleaned up a bit so I opted for a motel today. Motel prices are sky high today in the area. A Motel 6 in Hamburg, has one of the lower rates at 135$. A lot of places are over $200 for a night. Because conditions were good and I was feeling good, I considered trying for an Orchard Park motel that had a low rate that was about 95 miles from my start point, but common sense prevailed and I settled for a place in Angola which was priced a bit higher, but only 75 miles away. I probably could have gone the 95 miles, but it might cost me some energy tomorrow and following days. As it is I’m making good time and usually have enough energy left for a walk in the evening.

2992 plus todays 75 to Angola, New York equals 3067 total miles crossed.

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